BrowserGamesWorld.com - Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question about our website or any of our free browser games? Then you have arrived at the right page.
Does it cost anything to play these games?
No, it is completely free to play our online games.
Do I have to register to play these web games?
No, just play and have fun.
I went to one of your pages to play an online game but it doesn't show up?
Most likely you are using an ad blocker that is blocking an ad that appear while the game is loading, all you have to do is wait or even better you can enable ads for our website.
I cannot get the game to work, no matter what I do
We pull games from servers all over the world, sometimes it happens that a server is down, or it could possibly be a slow connection at the time you went to page preventing the game from loading. We recommend you to refresh the page in your web browser to reload it, the best way to do this is by holding down CTRL + F5. If that doesn't work either, then you should just try to play a different game and maybe come back for the game you were trying to play later.
When all your online games are free, how are you making money?
The only income we get is from the web banner advertising on our website. It is not much, we can barely afford to cover our hosting expenses.
What do BrowserGamesWorld.com do to protect my child on this website?
We take abuse very seriously and monitor our websites carefully. Our aim is to create an online environment that kids find fun and parents know is safe.
Can I play these online games on my mobile device?
Yes, all our online games have been testing and should work on mobile devices. But, some of them do require some keys to be push for those games, you will have a much better expericen on a laptop, desktop or a tablet with a connected keyboard. We recommend you to visit our website using your mobile device and try it out for yourself. We are working on adding new online games all the time, so keep coming back to check out our updated content.
Do you guys give me help and advice on how to play certain games?
We have written down some instructions and descriptions of each online game to help you along. Unfortunately, BrowserGamesWorld.com doesn't offer game-play support. If you're having difficulty with a particular game, we recommend you to search for walk-through tutorials for that particular game on the Internet. You should be able to search find Youtube tutorials for most of these online games on the Internet.
How do I search for a game
We use a customized Google Search which will search our website and our partner websites for the search term you specify. To search for games on the site, click in the Search field in the top navigation bar, and enter your search term. Then click the magnifying glass to perform the search.
Is BrowserGamesWorld.com a safe website?
We make every effort to make BrowserGamesWorld.com a safe and fun place for our online users. If you are a parent supervising a teen on the site, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Internet Safety sections to help your teens stay safe on the site, and the Internet.